Saturday, December 5, 2009

Began to raster across the main display screens line by line. Live from beneath the endless cloud deck of Jupiter. Each display screen showed imagery from a.

Them not hoping for anything more than to knock AndrР№ away from the deadly weapon. She did better than that; she knocked him to the pavement and managed to intercept the chuk heading for his temple with her shoulder. They tumbled together in a heap; she rolled cursing as she hit her bruised shoulder and came up on her feet and at the ready. Her shoulder throbbed which did nothing to improve her temper. "My turn you bastard ".
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Over Wayne took the hypodermic gun from his pouch filled it with the anti-hypnotic drug that he had taken from the medical cabinet and began to make his rounds. He fired a shot into each and every one aboard. He had no way of knowing who had been injected by the small monsters and who had not so he was taking no chances. Then he went to the colonel's room. He wanted to be there when the Commanding Officer awoke. * * * * * The entire crew of the _Lord Nelson_ was gathered in the big mess hall. Wayne stared down at the tired frightened faces of the puzzled people looking up at him and continued his explanation. "Those of you who were under the control of the monsters know what it was like. They had the ability to inject a hypnotic drug into a human being through a normal space boot with those stingers of theirs. The drug takes effect so fast that the victim hardly has.
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